July 16 - 17 2024

(Tuesday - Wednesday)




2-Day Conference Designed for


Malaysia SMEs


Winning HR and People Practices


HR Strategies for 2024


14 + Experts,

HR & Business


300 + Business

Owners and HR


12 Keynotes &


4 Panel Sessions



Conference Overview

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are integral to Malaysia's economy. They are a major source of employment, with 48.4% of the workforce employed by SMEs in 2020. In short, SMEs drive Malaysia’s economic growth.

An effective HR function is essential to the success of SMEs. It involves a lot more than managing operations, production and payroll. In this conference, you will learn that:

  1. Creating a professional and strategic HR function will make a game-changing difference to your business.
  2. Attracting, developing and retaining talent is key to success and growth, and
  3. These strategies and practices do not need a significant financial investment.


Objective of the Conference

The objective of this conference is to:

  1. To bring together HR experts, practitioners, and SME business leaders to share their insights, experiences, and best practices in HR management.
  2. To disseminate tailored insights specifically for Small and Medium Enterprises, addressing their unique HR challenges and opportunities.
  3. To provide a platform for understanding and implementing strategies that can enhance HR practices within SMEs, contributing to organizational growth and competitiveness.
  4. To explore innovative approaches in HR management, encouraging attendees to think creatively about how HR can drive SME success.
  5. To foster a networking environment where attendees can connect, collaborate, and build a supportive professional network that aids SMEs in navigating HR-related challenges.
  6. Offer actionable takeaways and practical solutions that attendees can apply within their own SMEs, ensuring that the conference's insights translate into tangible improvements.

In summary, the conference's primary objective is to empower SME business leaders and HR professionals with the knowledge and tools to optimize HR practices, thereby fostering growth and competitiveness within Small and Medium Enterprises.


Conference Fee

  Before 30 June (1st June - 30 June)

  RM 2,600.00

  After 1 July (1st July - 15th July)

  RM 3,000.00


Members are in reference to Companies who subscribe to the services provided by IHR Consulting Sdn Bhd

Conference Agenda

 Day 1  (July 16, 2024, Tuesday am)     


Segment 1 - Why SMEs Need a Professional HR Management System


8.00 am

Registration of Participants and Refreshments


9.00 am

Arrival of Guest of Honour and VIP


9.05 am

Welcome salutations by Emcee

Dr Saiful Amin

9.10 am

Conference Context Setting

Why the HR Function is Critical to SME Success

  • The evolving role of HR in shaping organizational resilience.
  • Innovative HR strategies applied to attract, develop, and retain top talent.
  • Best practices for adapting to changing workforce dynamics and skill requirements.



Erika Liang Mei Chyun

Deloitte & Touche Enterprise Risk Services



Keynote Address by Guest of Honour



10.30 am

Morning Break



11.00 am

How SMEs can Attract, Develop and Retain Talent

  • Understanding the fundamental principles and factors that contribute to employee engagement.
  • Strategies and best practices for creating a work environment that promotes engagement, including flexible opportunities, and recognition programs
  • Methods for measuring and evaluating employee engagement, such as surveys and feedback mechanisms.


Anthony Raja Devadoss

Korn Ferry, Malaysia


11.30 am

Cultivating a Resilient Workforce: Strategies for SMEs in the Face of Change

  • Customized training programs: resilience, agility, problem-solving for adaptable workforce.
  • Cultivate adaptability culture: communication, collaboration, recognition, empowerment for resilience.
  • Flexible work policies: remote options, flexible hours for workforce resilience.

Melissa Norman 

Aisling Group


12.00 pm

Panel Discussion


Navigating the Future of Work: Strategies for Managing Talent and Work/Life Challenges

A panel discussion featuring HR Consultants sharing their strategies and experiences on the impact on Human Resource Management in attracting, developing, and retaining talent.



Dr Amer Hamzah



Erika Liang

Anthony Raja

Melissa Norman

1.00 pm

Lunch Break




 Day 1  (July 16, 2024, Tuesday pm)     


Segment 2 - Successful Talent Management Strategies for SMEs


2.30 pm

How to Attract Talent Through a Winning Manpower Planning & Hiring Strategy

  • Aligning manpower planning with your business strategy.
  • Innovative recruitment and selection strategies to attract top talent.
  • Designing competitive compensation and benefits packages to retain and motivate employees.
  • Cost Management Strategies

Koljit Singh


3.00 pm

How to Design a Compensation & Benefit Package and Reward Mechanism to gain a Competive Edge

  • Change in the workforceand its impact on compensation and benefits design.
  • Strategies for researching and analysing the compensation and benefits offered by industry competitors to remain competitive.
  • How to tailor packages that address :
    • Expectations of a multi-generational workforce, and
    • Non-traditional benefits like wellness programs, flexible work arrangements and professional development opportunities. 



Lim Chee Gay


3.30 pm

Designing a Performance Management and Appraisal System that Delivers Results

  • Overview of performance management systems
  • Effective performance appraisal systems and their role in employee growth.
  • Best practices for providing constructive feedback and managing underperformance.


Grace Chan

Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad

4.00 pm

Evening Break


4.30 pm

Panel Discussion


Practical Talent Management Strategies for SMEs

This panel discussion will address specific SME challenges such as:

  • Workforce adaptability
  • Strategic manpower planning, and 
  • How to future-prood talent



Erika Liang



Koljit Singh

Lim Chee Gay

Grace Chan

5.30 pm

End of Day 1




Day 2  (July 17, 2024, Wednesday am)     


Segment 3 - Technology & Regulatory Compliance for Human Resource Management in SMEs


8.30 am

Registration of Participants and Refreshments


9.00 am

Technology and Automation - HR Analytics, data-driven, decision-making, AI & HRM

  • Role of technology in HR, including HR analytics and data-driven decision-making.
  • Integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in HR processes and talent management.
  • Case studies of organizations leveraging technology for more efficient HR practices

Jonas Lind


9.30 am

‘How Do I Start to Transform My Business?’

A case study on using assessments to hire and develop talent.

  • The starting point: What are the factors that really drive your organization’s business?
    • Choosing a culture that aligns with business needs.
    • Creating a transformation strategy
  • Using assessments to hire talent based on your organization’s business needs
  • How to use assessments in leadership and talent development


Pete Pereira 

Aspire Consulting

10.00 am

Understanding Malaysian Employment Act 1955 and the Industrial Relations Act 1967 on Employment Practices, and its implications on employment in Malaysia.
What is your responsibility as an employer in Malaysia?

  • Insights into the historical context and evolution of Malaysian labor laws
  • specific responsibilities and compliance obligations of employers under Malaysian labor laws
  • common employment challenges and disputes in Malaysia and discover strategies for resolution


Dharmen Sivalingam

Dharmen Sivalingam & Partners

10.30 am

Morning Break


11.00 am

Event Partner Sharing



11.30 am

Panel Discussion

Practical Strategies in Technology, Transformation and Compliance

Expert will share successful approaches, tools, and insights for small and medium-sized enterprises to manange human resources while adhering to regulatory requiremments with real life case studies.



Laurence Yap



Jonas Lind

Pete Pereira Dharmen Sivalingam

Tan Zi Thong


1.00 pm




Day 2  (July 17, 2024, Wednesday pm)     


Segment 4 - Best Practices by SME Leaders


2.30 pm

Elavating Business Success via HR Transformation and how KRAs and Rewards can lead to Business Profitability.

  • Evolving role of HR in the modern business landscape and the importance of transformation and how it aligns with organizational goals and can drive innovation and agility.
  • How KRAs was strategically linked to the organization's goals and objectives to drive employee and business performance
  • How the relationship between well-designed rewards and business profitability, including the role of rewards in enhancing employee engagement and motivation.


Halim Jantan

Sterling Group of Companies

3.00 pm

Cultivating Innovation and Growth : The Power of Creativity and Continuous Learning
  • Importance of creating a workplace culture that encourages and rewards creativity and innovation.
  • Significance of lifelong learning for employees and its direct impact on organizational growth.
  • Case studies of organizations that have harnessed creativity and continuous learning to achieve remarkable growth, market expansion, and innovation.


Allen Lee


3.30 pm

Lessons Learned in Developing High Performance Teams in a growing SME

  • Understanding the unique challenges faced by SME business owners
  • Strategies for fostering a culture of excellence and teamwork within small businesses amidst challenges and expansion.
  • Leveraging outsourcing to streamline HR processes and optimize resource allocation.



Rob Davies

Little Gym Malaysia

4.00 pm

Evening Break


4.30 pm

Panel Discussion

Winning the War for Talent in SMEs :

A panel discussion featuring successful SME leaders sharing their strategies and experiences on various aspects of human resource management, offering a comprehensive perspective on enhancing employee engagement, building a talent pipeline, and effectively managing workplace conflicts and change.



Pete Pereira



Allen Lee

Halim Jantan

Rob Davies


5.30 pm

Closing and End of Conference



Strategic Panels & Speaker





Segment 1 - Why SMEs Need a Professional HR Management System



Tuesday, 16 July | 0900 - 1200 hoursModerator


Erika Liang

Talent Director

Deloitte Sourtheast Asia



Anthony Raja Devadoss

Country Managing


Korn Ferry, Malaysia



Melissa Norman

Founder and

Managing Director

Aisling Group



Prof Dr Amer Hamzah

Deputy Vice Chancellor

Veritas University College





Segment 2 - Successful Talent Management Strategies for SMEs



Tuesday, 16 July | 1430 - 1630 hoursModerator



Koljit Singh

Council Member &

Senior HR Practitioner




Lim Chee Gay

Group CHRO




Grace Chan

Former VP of

Human Resources

Oil & Gas Company



Erika Liang

Talent Director

Deloitte Southeast Asia





Segment 3 - Technology & Regulatory Compliance for Human Resource Management in SMEs



Tuesday, 16 July | 0900 - 1130 hoursModerator



Laurence Yap

Regional HR Advisor



Engineering Malaysia



Pete Pereira

Director & Consultant

Aspire Consulting

Rajeswari Karupiah


Chairman of Industrial

Court, Kuala Lumpur

Simon Benjamin


MIHRM National Council

& Sr Consultant






Segment 4 - Best Practices by SME Leaders



Tuesday, 16 July | 1430 - 1630 hoursModerator



Halim Jantan

Chief Executive Officer

Sterling Group of




Allen Lee






Robert Davies


Little Gym Malaysia



Low Huoi Seong

Founder & Chief Coach

Opening Minds Sdn Bhd




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