
Here is the Howei team plogging (picking up litter while jogging and walking) the local beaches of Penang
The word Howei means "Excellence", in Chinese Fujian dialect.
In 2008, a group of enthusiastic cyclists decided to embark on a journey to get more people to cycle. Safety was a major concern, and thus a campaign to improve the bike paths and cycling lanes in Penang began.
As the numbers swelled, we realised we needed a system to record and consolidate funds from participants. The need to reach out and promote the event to everyone was also done via the internet, through a website that Howei created. Since then Howei has been actively hosting outdoor events in different parts of the country.
How to get the young and old excited about outdoor events, like cycling, jogging, hiking, swimming or walking, has been Howei's focus and primary goal ever since.
We are always looking out for new ways to be active physically and socially, and we're happy to try fun new activities like pet walks, rock climbing or Ultimate Frisbee.
Do you have any interest to organise an outdoor or indoor event? If so please contact us;
Together we can make it happen - and have fun while we do it!
Howei is the fun way!