


Bicycle Race Etiquette

Bikelah Group Riders

Cycle racing is a great way to spend the day and by following a few simple rules we can all enjoy the experience. If you have never raced before, read our preparation guide. Before you start you need to know the some solid rules which every rider must know and follow. These rules are intended to ensure you go home without injury. We know as a cyclist you want to do less reading and more cycling, so here is a summary of the key rules: 

Cycle racing is a great way to spend the day and by following a few simple rules we can all enjoy
the experience. We asked Rob Crowe from Ridewiser to put together the following racing etiquette rules to remind everyone of their responsibilities when racing. These rules were developed for criterium racing but they apply just as well to road racing.
Everyone's primary obligation is their safety and that of their fellow riders, so please take a few moments to read the reminders below!
1.  Maintain your line & keep left unless overtaking
2.  Do not change direction suddenly
3.  Do not pass underneath in a corner
4.  Do not overlap wheels
5.  Do not pedal through corners
6.  Do not ride outside the cones
7.  Do not push, pull or interfere with another rider
8.  Do not contest sprint from further back than 10th wheel
9.  Sprint in a straight line once out of the final corner
10.  As the lead rider – guide the peloton safely past hazards
11.  Communicate your intentions with others
12.  Keep both hands on the bars (unless taking a drink)
13.  Follow all directions from marshals and officials
Safety tips by:
Rob Crowe
Ridewiser Cycling Services
SKCC Club ProCycle racing is a great way to spend the day and by following a few simple rules we can all enjoythe experience. We asked Rob Crowe from Ridewiser to put together the following racing etiquette rules to remind everyone of their responsibilities when racing. These rules were developed for criterium racing but they apply just as well to road racing.

1.  Maintain your line & keep left unless overtaking

2.  Do not change direction suddenly

3.  Do not pass underneath in a corner

4.  Do not overlap wheels

5.  Do not pedal through corners

6.  Do not ride outside the boundaries if present

7.  Do not push, pull or interfere with another rider

8.  Do not contest sprint from further back than 10th wheel

9.  Sprint in a straight line once out of the final corner

10.  As the lead rider – guide the peloton safely past hazards

11.  Communicate your intentions with others

12.  Follow all directions from marshals and officials

Bikelah Riders