How to Prepare for a Major Cycling Event
Are you excited about the upcoming big bike ride? Cycling events are a great place to meet other enthusiasts and put your skills to the test. Attending one without preparation, however, can result in a bad experience and bodily harm. Stick to your training regimen so you're fit and prepared on the day of the race. If you're new to cycling events, then try out some of these tips!
Part 1 of 3: Training Two Months before the Event
1. Put in the hours at your base pace. Base training involves steady, moderate cycling to train endurance. You should be able to carry out a conversation, and your heartbeat should reach about 60–70% of its maximum rate. Base train four or five days a week so your body learns to burn fat efficiently, and to save short-term carbohydrate fuel for more intense exercise. Aim for at least two hours per session, but feel free to keep riding as long as you can without tiring yourself out.
Start this at least two months before the event. Ideally, begin training three or four months in advance.
If possible, increase the length of the session until you are cycling for the same duration you will at the event.
2. Include short bursts of tempo training. Once you've adjusted to life back in the saddle, add short tempo training sessions two or three times a week. At this pace, you should be breathing fast but not develop any burning or aching muscles. Start with 6–8 minute sessions during your base training, and gradually increase the duration. After a few weeks, you may be able to tempo train for 20–30 minutes sessions.
3. Add lactate threshold training. Your lactate threshold is the highest level of activity you can keep up for 60 minutes, while keeping your lactic acid levels steady. The higher you can push this threshold, the faster you'll be during the race. Six to eight weeks before the race, add intense threshold training to your workout:
- Find a flat, outdoor route without stops, or use an indoor trainer.
- Choose a gear that lets you pedal at about 90 rpm while at maximum effort.
- Start with two reps of 5 minutes threshold, 5 minutes base recovery. Do this two or three times a week, after warming up with at least twenty minutes of base training.
- Gradually increase intensity by a couple minutes each week, up to a maximum of 2 x 20 minute threshold with 5 minute recoveries.
- For greater accuracy, take an LHTR or FTP test. You should reach about 100% of your LHTR and FTP values during threshold training.
4. Practice sprinting with high intensity intervals. Starting a few weeks before the race, add two sprinting sessions each week to your workout. Add them about twenty minutes into your base training, so you're warmed up but not exhausted. The goal is to push yourself above your threshold level, to unsustainable speeds. Pick one of the following:
- Anaerobic training: Sprint for 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 seconds. After each sprint, recover with base cycling for an equal amount of time.
- VO2 max training: This is effective for races involving intense, short climbs. Sprint for 30 seconds, drop to threshold level for 2–3 minutes, the sprint for another 2–3 minutes.
5. Rest for one or two days each week. Let your muscles recover at least one day a week. Consider a second day each week when you stick to short, light rides only. Over-intense workouts increase fatigue and wear out your muscles, harming your performance.
6. Cycle uphill. Long-distance events almost always include some hill climbing. Incorporate some uphill efforts into your regular training.
7. Learn to ride with a group. Join a local bike group or invite friends to join your for the occasional training session. If you aren't used to biking in a dense crowd of bicyclists, there's a greater chance you'll cause an accident on race day. Keep the following tips in mind:
- Stay behind the back wheel of the bike in front of you, to reduce accident risk. Don't bring your front wheel alongside it until you plan to pass.
- Warn your group members before switching positions, or if you notice an obstacle.
- If you're training for a team event, practice drafting.
- During the race, try to stay in the front third of the group, but behind another rider. This provides the greatest aerodynamic benefit.
Part 2 of 3: Training One Week before the Event
1. Race in a group the weekend before. About seven days before the race, ask your group to push themselves further to simulate racing conditions. Some cyclists join smaller races a week before to boost confidence, but this might be overambitious for someone just entering the racing scene.
2. Take it easy. During the last week before the race, taper your workout to shorter, gentler sessions. You want to be fresh and relaxed for the race. This is not the time to break your personal records or try an intense new route.
Many professional cyclists take Monday completely off for a Sunday race, and take Saturday very easy. Amateur cyclists should consider taking Tuesday and Saturday off as well.
3. Go on short, easy rides. Two or three times this week, go on a gentle cycle ride. Don't include any interval training or even tempo pushes. You're just keeping up your aerobic activity to avoid getting out of form. Most of your sessions should only last 1.5–2 hours, or 15–30 minutes shorter than your regular sessions, whichever is lower.
4. Add a long distance session for long races. Get a sense of the full distance you'll be traveling, about a week before the race. Stick to a gentle base pace for aerobic training.
5. Train sprints or climbs later in the week. Most professionals will keep their legs at top power with a mild sprinting session during the last few days before a race. Consider one or two 15-second sprints or speed climbs, or up to five for criteriums and other sprint-intensive races. For amateurs, four 45-second sprints the day before might be enough, with several minutes of recovery time in between.
6. Relax the evening before. A massage is a great way to relax the evening before a race, both mentally and physically. Get to bed early to get plenty of rest.
7. Watch your diet. While eating healthy is important for the entire training period, what you eat in the last couple days can have a direct effect on the race. Eat a moderate dinner the night before, the same size you normally would. Include plenty of carbohydrates, such as brown rice or pasta, along with a lesser amount of vegetables and meat (or other protein source). Eat a high-carb, low-protein breakfast (such as oatmeal or toast and peanut butter) two or three hours before the race to give yourself time to digest. Drink plenty of water in the 24 hours before the race, but tone it down in the evening to avoid waking up in the night.
Look up carbohydrate sources on an online glycemic index. Foods with low glycemic index values may be more efficient sources of racing fuel.
Serious athletes sometimes carb load a couple days before a race.
Part 3 of 3: Packing and Preparing
1. Check your bike. About a week before the event, check your bike for possible issues. Give it a good clean and lubricate the chain.
2. Pack a bike repair kit. Assemble a light package to bring along on the race. Include the following components, and make sure you know how to use each one:
- CO2 cartridges and inflator.
- Tire levers
- Mini bike multi-tool
- Two bicycle tubes
3. Plan your snacks and water intake. Stash high-carb, low-fat snacks in a fanny pack or pockets, so you can eat them on the go. Dried fruit, bagels, energy bars, and energy gel are all good options. Drink plenty of water or sports drinks along with the food, and frequently throughout the race. It's easy to forget to eat and drink while you're full of adrenaline, but don't make that mistake.
Too many carbs can cause nausea, especially if you're using concentrated sources like energy bars or gel. Try them during your regular training sessions, so you have time to switch to a food that works better for you.
4. Pack other necessities. Check the weather forecast. In cold weather, bring a light, warm jacket, gloves, and leg warmers. Pack sunscreen, cash, and your identification card.
Check well in advance to see whether a racing license is required. Buy it in advance and bring it to the race, or confirm that you can buy it in person on race day.
5. Prepare the morning of the race. Arrive at the race with plenty of time to spare. Go through the following checklist to prepare for a great experience:
- Check your bike for problems one last time. Adjust tire pressure if necessary.
- Register as soon as you can to avoid a line.
- Warm up before the race begins.
- Move to the start line once you notice a group forming, so you can get a good position.
Above all, remember to stay safe (cough helmet cough) and have fun!