Titi Ultra 2025

This is the toughest road ultra marathon in Malaysia. The route runs through a natural landscape along the Malay village Hulu Langat Batu 14, where rainforest jungles greets you along the undulating winding roads. Runners will run up to 2 major hills and pass by a beautiful lake, which is the major source of drinking water supplied to the capital city, Kuala Lumpur. Runner will run pass a fews Orang Asli villages, where some small huts and orang asli are just tugged beside the route. In light of the success of the inaugural event in Feb 2014, the category of 200km and 250km to meet the appetite of those runners who crave for greater challenges.
Runners must complete the set course on foot by their own power and ability within the stipulated time;
No trekking poles AND no umbrella is allowed for runners of all categories;
A number of water station points will be set up along the routes, which are from 5.5km to 11.2km apart;
Drinking cups will not be provided at any of the water station points; runners must have their own cup or other personal container suitable for the purpose;
No pacers are allowed to run along with the runners for all categories;
Personal assistance (support crew) along the running route is not permitted for 50km and 100km categories. Assistance for 50km and 100km is permitted at water station points, provided the areas reserved for runners are not encroached upon and that the road regulations are complied with;
Personal assistance (support crew) is allowed for 100 miles, 200km & 250km category only.
The support crew is restricted to a maximum of 1 car and not more than 3 crew members per runner.
Only two crew teams in total will be allowed to rotate the support duties.
Support cars are not allowed to tail the supported runners during the day time. After providing support services to the runners, the support must drive ahead to the front to stop and wait for the runners. This is to avoid other runners being affected by the exhaust discharged from the support vehicles.
During the night, support cars are allowed to tail the runners for the sake of the runner's safety. -
The support crew must be registered (1 week before the race date) with the race organizer to obtain approval by Titi Ultra's Organizer (register link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXTZ_5CMIwdCSHrZQGX7RecAQpXBohss86E0LsF87C6C9dVQ/viewform). A yellow warning light will be issued and need to be stuck on the support car.
All F&B at all check points, and post-race meal are only for participants. However, support crews, friends and family are welcome to purchase the post-race meal coupon at the registration counter.
Runners must understand the unique nature and requirements of competing in an ultra-long distance road running race. He/she will be running all day and night on the road. He/she must have undertaken the necessary training to compete in such a race.
Runners will be responsible for his/her self safety by having the ability and skills to deal with any problems that may be encountered during the race of this nature.
Runners must be able to undertake or deal with on his/her own without any other external assistance during the deteriorating weather conditions (e.g. raining, strong winds, hot sun and etc..) and other unforeseen circumstances arises while running on the road.
Runners must be able to undertake or deal with his/her extreme fatigue, internal organ and digestive problems, muscle pain, mild physical injuries and psychological problems during the race.
Runners who accept any assistance and support from any person may be disqualified.
In the event of a runner meeting another runner who is in health difficulty or injured, he/she must stop to help and inform the race organizer to seek for medical assistance.
Runners are not allowed to wear headphones, earphones or/and speakers during the race.
Power of 4x 100km categories will require Reflective Vest, blinking light, Headlamps from 7:15pm to 7:15am. Otherwise, there'll not be mandatory equipments required for the run.
By entering the race, each runner undertakes to take with him/her all the mandatory items as listed below throughout the race. Failure to do so will result in application of the time penalties or disqualification;
Mandatory items (checks may be carried out along the route during the race, including the top 10 runners of every categories):
Two working headlamps/torch lights with spare batteries for 200km & 250km participants, and One working headlamp/torch lights with spare batteries for 100km & 50km participants.
During the day time, these headlamp/torchlights may be stored at the dropbags. It is the runner's responsibility to have the headlamps/torch lights during the night. So do plan the pickup of your headlamps accordingly; Headlamps/Torch lights must be worn on and switch it on from 7.15pm to 7:15am on the next day. -
Reflective vest; Must be worn on body from 7.15pm to 7.15am on the next day.
Bright back blinking accessories; (During the day time, the reflective vest and blinking lights may be stored at the dropbags, but it is runner's responsibility to have the reflective vest and blinking accessories during the night. So do plan the pickup of your reflective vest and blinking accessories accordingly.) Back Blinking accessories must be worn on the back of your body and switch it on from 7.15pm to 7:15am on the next day.
Water bottles or hydration bag with a minimum capacity of 500ml;
Mobile phone;
Emergency blanket;
Before the Race flag off, all participants must report to the official tent to have the mandatory items checked. After the successful check, participants will receive a unique ribbon which be tied to the backpack of the participants. Runners who run without this ribbon will be disqualified.
Recommended (not compulsory):
• Foldable cup or other container suitable for drinking at the water station points; Some aid stations will providing hot drink, make sure your cup is suitable for hot water.
. Spoon, suitable for 100km, 100 miles, 200km, 250km runners for meal intake at race venue & Some Check Point, it is also a good tool to make hot coffee.
• Sport foods & Gels;
• Rucksack or waist bag;
• Elastic adhesive bandage that can be used as a dressing;
• Head gear or cap or bandana;
• Sunglass or Suntan lotion/cream with UV block;
• Change of clothes and running shoes;
• Waterproof jacket;
• Cash;
• Route Map and Elevation Map;
Each bib is given individually to each runner in the Race Pack, upon presentation of suitable identity document;
Each runner will be given one bib number. This must be worn and clearly visible on the chest or stomach or on the back of the backpack carried by the runners;
Upon arriving at a checkpoint, runners must ensure that the timing is recorded by the check point crew and that it is registered correctly;
The bib number is required for access to the water station areas, medics and the rest rooms. The bib will indicate also the status of the post race meal, Tee shirt size, Finisher Tee, Medal, DNF status... etc;
The online registration for Titi Ultra will be closed on 31 Mar 2025. The race organizer will continue to accept late registration after the closing date. Late registration for a runner will face restrictive conditions (e.g. Tee shirt size, and finisher medal availability, bib written with marker pen, ...etc) and with a late charge of hardship fees of RM100.
Change of tee size is not allowed after 15 Apr 2025.
After 28 February 2025, any change of category or transfer bib please contact us at seowkong.ng@gmail.com. A hardship fees of RM50 will be charged to each requests.
Registration fees are NOT-REFUNDABLE.
Registration is only open for persons who are of 18+ years old and above, Age of participant is based on the date of event.
The race course will be marked with reflective tapes or signs along the route and at major junctions;
Runners must follow the directions given by the race director during the race briefing;
Luggage may be deposited at the starting/finishing point for all runners. Runner may use their own bags for luggage deposit.
All runners (except 50km runners) must use only drop bags issued by the organizer. No other drop bags will be acceptable.
There is no drop bag for 50km runners.
100km, 100 miles, 200km, 250km runner is only allowed 1 drop bag.
Sticky labels will be provided in the race packs for runners to stick to the box provided on the drop bags.
One sticker for 50km runner (For luggage deposit if any);
Two stickers for 100km, 100 miles, 200km & 250km runners, at drop bags/luggage at starting point.
Runners may choose not to deposit any drop bags. This is not a compulsory requirement.
Fragile or valuable items should not be placed in the drop bags;
Bags with objects attached to the outside will not be transported.
If a runner pulls out of the race, his/her bag will be transported to the race finishing point, where he/she may collect it upon presentation of his/her bib number. The runner shall understand that the timing of the return of his/her drop bag will be subject to the schedule of the race shuttle bus/trucks;
The organizer may not be held liable for the loss or damage of any objects in the drop bag during the race.
Drop bag must be given to the race organizer at the start line 1 hour before the race starts;
Any lost & found items will be disposed of immediately after 1 hour of race cut off (11am, 27 Apr 2025).
The race organizer will NOT be keeping unclaimed drop bag for the runners.
In order to ensure race safety, race organizer will prepare and arrange for rescue and medical assistance during the race. However, each participant must recognize and understand that there are risks of injuries and/or accidents associated with road running. Runners are participating in this race at his/her own risk;
While the race organizer has purchased Public Liability Insurance for this event, it is strongly recommended that the runners have obtained an adequate Personal Medical Insurance coverage;
Medical points will be set up at certain water station points;
If necessary, and in the interests of the person being rescued, at the exclusive discretion of the organizers, the official medical rescue services may be called upon to take over operations, using any means they consider appropriate, including an ambulance. Any costs deriving from such exceptional transport will be charged to the person who has been rescued;
Depending on the runner health conditions, an emergency evacuation may be required. This emergency evacuation will be at the expenses of the person being rescued;
The official race medical assistants are authorized to withdraw from the competition any runners that they consider as unfit to continue or are in danger. The runner bib will be removed as part of the DNF (Did Not Finish) procedures;
If a runner drops out from the race, runner must first inform and register with the nearest checkpoints that he/she is dropping out. Proper "DNF" procedure should be followed and completed before the runner is allowed to leave the event:
In case of an emergency, if you are unable to reach the race headquarters, you can also call the public emergency number '999' directly for help;
The cell phone coverage is limited at certain areas on the race route. However it is still mandatory for runners to carry their cell phone for emergency purpose.
The race organizers reserves the right to implement any additional measures at any time to enhance and protect the safety of the race and the runners before the race and during the race.
The timing will be recorded at the checkpoints/water station points established by the organizers;
Only runners sporting their regular bib number will have access to the water station;
Drinks will be provided at every water station;
No water cups will be dispensed to the runners. Runners will need to use their own cups or containers for any drinks served at the check points or water stations;
Food will also be provided at some main water station;
The route map, which can also be downloaded online, will contain accurate indications of the water station points;
The organisers reserve the rights to carry out checks at other points along the route;
Food and water at the water station points are solely for runners and support crews with bibs only.
The maximum time allotted for completion of the race are:
50KM - 9 Hours
100KM - 18 Hours
100KM- Power of 4 - 16 hours
100Miles- 32 hours
200KM - 40 Hours
250KM - 44 Hours
250km runner, will be able to down grade to 200km if they failed to meet the 250km cut off time. Please inform on race check point leader for the downgrade.
200km runner will not be able to upgrade to 250km.
In the event of poor weather conditions and/or for safety reasons, the organisers reserve the rights to suspend the race or to make changes to the cut off times;
DNF (Did not Finish) PROCEDURES
Runners may DNF voluntarily or by missing the stipulated cut off times at various checkpoints along the race course;
Runner who decides to pull out voluntarily must proceed to the nearest checkpoint, inform and register with the race staffs by signing a DNF Form, and Cut apart the bib Corner with "Finisher Tee, Medal", surrender it to the officials.
Runner who fails to notify the organisers immediately, thereby setting in motion a search and rescue operations by the rescue staff, will be liable to pay for any costs deriving there-from;
Runners who fail to arrive at the checkpoints within the stipulated cut off times will not be allowed to continue running in the race. A DNF Form will need to be signed;
Runner who has DNFed from the race are not allowed to continue his/her run. IF he/she insists on continuing running, he/she is NO LONGER in this event, and will be running entirely on his/her own accord and at his/her own risk;
The DNF runners should rest at a bright, safe place with sufficient phone coverage) and wait for a non scheduled race shuttle for pick up and delivery to the finish point;
If runner is unable to move on his/her own, either return to the nearest water station point he/she has just left or to the next water station point, please contact the emergency number '999' or the race headquarters to seek for assistance.
DNF runners scheduled pick up time. At depart time from CP Kongkol:
Race day, Saturday: 1am, 3am, 5am, 10am, 4pm, 11:00pm
Race day, Sunday: 12:45am, 3am, 5am, 7am, 9am
Not carrying the mandatory items during the race, including not wearing reflector vest or bright blinking accessories during the night;
Taking shortcuts and/or running off the track;
Throw any garbage along the running route. This applies to both the runner, race staffs and his/her supporters;
Cheating (e.g. using other means of transportation, using substitute runners and other unlawful actions);
Not abiding by the rules and regulation given by the race organizer and official race staffs including medical assistants, emergency staffs and marshals;
Not wearing the race bib at all times during the race;
Continue to run after the cut off time without the agreement of race officials;
Doping and the use of prohibited drugs;
Sleeping along the route course is prohibited as it will have a large impact on the environment, safety and may also mistakenly lead others to think that you might require emergency medical assistance;
Running with his/her supporters
All participants are not allowed to wear headphones, earphones or/and speakers during the race.
No trekking poles AND umbrella is allowed for runners of all categories;
PENALTIES Breaking of any rules may incur a time penalties or disqualification. Any such penalties are at the organizer's discretion and are final.
COMPLAINTS Suggestions must be in writing and must be presented after the closing ceremony of the event at the finishing point or send to titiultra@hotmail.com
The organizers reserve the rights, at any time and without prior notice, to make changes to the route and checkpoints/water station points or to the time deadlines;
In the event of adverse weather conditions (a strong depression with heavy rain), the start of the race may be postponed for 6 hours at most, after which time the race will be cancelled;
Where necessary, the organizers reserve the rights to make changes to or eliminate certain stretches of the route.
The race winner of each categories will be the runner that takes the shortest time (Gun time) to reach the finish point;
Reaching the Finishing Point will be considered as an achievement in itself, and each runner will be given a prize in recognition of his or her efforts.
Reaching the checkpoints/water station points along the route does not in itself entitle the runner to a place in the rankings and the corresponding points awarded for a qualifying race;
To be awarded, runner must complete the overall race within the final cutoff time of the race;
No prize money will be given;
Prizes will be awarded to the first Five finishers (unisex) and women champion in 200km & 250km categories.
Prizes will be awarded to the first FIVE MEN OPEN finishers, first FIVE MEN VETERAN, first TEN WOMEN and first FIVE WOMEN VETERAN finishers in both the 50km and 100km categories.
Each participant expressly foregoes his/her image rights for the photos taken for the duration of the race, and undertakes not to take any action against the organizers and their authorized partners for the use of his/her image.
Run Course Monitoring
Amendments / Reservations / Acknowledgment
The Organiser reserves the right to modify, supplement or waive all or any part of the event rules.
Participants shall be bound by any such modification or supplemental event rules as maybe published by the Organiser from time to time. Failure to follow these event rules, as may be amended, will result in immediate disqualification and removal from official results.
- Any participant who refuses to obey the directions or instructions from the Organiser, officials, or marshals (collectively called "Officials"), conducts himself/herself in an unsportsmanlike manner or is offensive by action or language to the Officials, volunteers, participants or spectators may be disqualified from the event by the Officials.
- Any participant who has been found to have gained an unfair advantage by intentionally shortening the route of the run ("cutting the run course") shall be immediately disqualified from the event.
- Participant must put his bib at the front side of his/her shirt at all time during the run.
- No persons (or pacer) are authorized to be on the run course unless they are registered participants or those approved by the Organiser. Therefore, no person shall be allowed to accompany a participant if he/she is not registered in the run or has been approved by the Organiser.
Date: 25th April 2025
Time: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Venue: Padang Taman Titiwangsa, Hulu Langat