Penang Hill Climb 2024 旗山者行

Welcome to the 2024 Penang Hill Climb旗山者行 event page!
After three years since the end of the pandemic, Our Press,the Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Bhd,this year has been invited to organize the above-mention event with assistance from "Majlis Sukan Negeri Pulau Pinang",Penang Amateur Athletic Association and Penang Hill Residents Association on the above-mentioned date,time and venue.
As We know, Penang Hill Climb is very physical healthy activity. It helps with weight control,improves our blood circulation,buils stronger bones and contributesto overall muscle tone.Wth these benefits,and from our past experiences,we are confident that around 500 participants will be expected since we still open this activity to all Malaysia citizens.
Runners Guide
The organizers shall reserve the right to cancel or cut short the event for the following reasons: (but not limited to)
Adverse weather conditions (haze, thunderstorm etc.)
Dangerous trail conditions (Landslides, Flood, Tree fallen/fires blockage along the course etc.)
Riot, endemic, pendemic, government policy change etc.
In such event no refund of the registration fee.
In such event runners may collect their tee from organizer.
This race is open to all Malaysian/Permanent Resident and oversea runners’ age 13 years old and above only.
Runners must complete the race on foot under their own strength.
Runners need to make sure they are healthy and fit to join this event.
The Organizer reserves the right to deny entry to any runners.
There will be medical personnel on standby at the race site.
Ambulance service is on standby as well for emergency cases.
Runners are responsible to ensure they are fit and healthy before starting the race. Please consult your doctor if there is any doubt.
Please be cautious as some parts of route might be slippery in condition.
Ensure your own safety and that of others. Be considerate of other road users always.
Water Stations
1 water station.
*Toilet is available at the finish point only.
Route Map
START– Bukit Bendera MPKK – Tiangong Altar Route – Middle Station - Claremont Station – Viaduct Station(water station) –Lower Tunnel Station – Upper Station – Dataran Penang Hill- FINISH
Mark your calendar for the 28 April 2024 - 2024 Penang Hill Climb旗山者行 is going to be a grand, fun time!
2024 Penang Hill Climb旗山者行 registration is now open and the closing date is on the 14 April 2024 or when 2,000 slots are filled.
If you missed the previous 2024 Penang Hill Climb旗山者行 , now is your chance to join. Get in now as limited slots are available!
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Through our event portal, we hope to bring sports enthusiasts together to connect through sporting events in Malaysia.
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Date: 26th April 2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Venue: Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press 3rd Floor Aditorium Hall
Date: 27th April 2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Venue: Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press 3rd Floor Aditorium Hall
Leisure Hike - 2.8 km (age 15 and above)
Cut off time : 3.0hours
Categories | Rates |
Individual (Early Bird) | RM 55 |
Individual (Normal Rates) | RM 65 |
Group of 4 | RM 250 |
*Excluding admin fee