Cabaran Ungu merupakan salah satu aktiviti bersempena dengan Sambutan Hari Wanita Sedunia Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang 2024.
Cabaran Ungu adalah aktiviti berkumpulan seakan "Explorace" yang memerlukan peserta menyelesaikan satu siri tugasan, kuiz dan cabaran berkenaan dengan Hari Wanita Sedunia.
Setiap pasukan mestilah terdiri dari 4 ahli dengan gabungan antara ahli lelaki dan wanita.
The Purple Challenge is one of the activities in conjunction with the celebration of International Women's Day at the Penang State level in 2024.
The Purple Challenge is a group activity similar to an "Explorace" that requires participants to complete a series of tasks, quizzes, and challenges related to International Women's Day.
Each team must consist of 4 members with a combination of both male and female members.
Welcome to the International Womens Day 2024: The Purple Challenge (Hari Wanita Sedunia 2024: Cabaran Ungu) event page!
Mark your calendar for the 7th March 2024 - International Womens Day 2024: The Purple Challenge (Hari Wanita Sedunia 2024: Cabaran Ungu) is going to be a grand, fun time!
International Womens Day 2024: The Purple Challenge (Hari Wanita Sedunia 2024: Cabaran Ungu) registration is now open.
If you missed the previous International Womens Day 2024: The Purple Challenge (Hari Wanita Sedunia 2024: Cabaran Ungu) , now is your chance to join. Get in now as limited slots are available!
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